Thursday, December 18, 2008

What I can do now!!

I can now attempt to hold my own bottle. I am doing very good at this. I held my own bottle for the first time the other day. I did not need mommy's help at all. I can snort when I laugh. Yes you heard me right. I snort when I really get to laughing. I can wiggle my legs out of my brace. I learned how to do this yesterday. All I have to so it keep pulling them up into my belly and my Velcro will pop off. My legs are free at last FREE AT LAST. Well until mommy puts the Velcro back on. I can fit my whole hand in my mouth and chew on a toy at the same time. I can sit up. Well with my frog legs and a pillow I can. I actually prefer sitting like this now since I really can't lay on my belly right now. I am super baby!!! If you hold me up over your head I put my arms out like I am flying and laugh and laugh and laugh! I can spit my binkie across the room. I think I might be really good at watermelon seed spitting when I get older. I can get what ever I want from my daddy. All I have to do is look at him and bash my big blue eyes at him.


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