Tuesday, February 24, 2009

TVs and Bananas

So dear sweet Noah got his Valentine's Day, Father's Day and Birthday gift yesterday. It was supposed to be here on Friday but they called and said they could not deliver it till Monday. He was mister grumpy butt all weekend long because his "gift" would not be here till Monday. That is all I heard about all weekend long. Well it got here yesterday at exactly 2:00pm. How do I know the exact time you ask? Well Noah called cell phone, texted, emailed and called the office to let me know that his "gift" was here. And this is what his "gift" looks like in my living room.
Yes. I know it is large. It is a 65" HD DLP TV. He has been talking about this TV since Christmas. When we got our tax money back I told him to go ahead and get it. Doesn't it look very pretty sitting there. I am not allowed to touch it though. I am only allowed to touch the remote. I want to know what he is going to do when Abigail becomes mobile? Any suggestions?

As for the bananas. Well I have been trying new foods with Abigail and bananas are a big hit. She eat the whole thing. And when they were gone she gave me a look like well aren't you going to go and get more? So far applesauce, bananas, and sweet potatoes are a hit. We tried squash and well she broke out in hives. I am not sure if it is from the medicine she was on or the squash it self. We will try it again in a month or so.

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