I was all excited this morning because I was going to get insurance on my car. I go and they tell me that I have to have a New Mexico drivers licences. OK no big deal so I will finally go and get my NM DL. Well I get to the DMV and I read over the list of things I need to get a NM DL. So I see that I have to have a utility bill, Social Security Card, and I can use my Insurance card. So I go home and get the letter stating that I have insurance and it has my address on it. I go back to the DMV wait till they call my number and go up to the lady. She looks at my items and tell me that I can not use my utility bill because it is older then 30 days. I tell her I will go home and print one out since we now do on-line billing and don't receive and paper bill anymore. She tells me that they can't accept that. I hand her my insurance card. She tells me that they don't accept them either. I tell her that it is on the list of things they accept. She tells me again that they don't accept them any longer. I tell her that it is on the list so they have to accept it and need to update their list of items they accept. HaHaHa she has to take it. So I ask her what else I can use. She goes though a list of items, a pay stub, car insurance bill (mind you I am trying to get car insurance but I can't because I do not have a NM DL), or I could have Noah come in and do a affidavit saying that I live in the state of NM. I tell her in a nice voice that he can not come in because he is at work and works out in the field. She tells me to call him. I explain to her again that I have no way of getting a hold of him and that he does not get off work till 5:00pm. They close at 4:00. She looks at me and tells me to go join a church for 30 days and then have the preacher of said church write a letter saying that I am a citizen of the state of NM.
WHAT??????? How dare she tell me to go join a church. I was so mad at this point that I walked out. Noah's dad was outside waiting for me. He tells me to get in the truck and he will take care of this. So we go and get a rental agreement fill it out get it notarized and head back to the DMV. I walk in waving the rental agreement. She says we will take that. Finally after 4 hours I get my NM DL.
We head back to the insurance office I get insurance for Noah and I then I go to register my car. They tell me that the title is not singed and they can not take it. I look at Abby (Noah's dad) and almost cry at this point. So we go and get the title singed and then back to the registration place. Finally it is now 4:30 in the afternoon. I started my day at 10:30 do you really think it should have taken me 6 hours to get insurance, a drivers license and to register a car??? Hmm I don't think so.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Someone Please Tell Me Why????
On my wonderful vacation back to Delaware I caught a cold. I have had said cold for two weeks now. Abigail caught my cold last week (she is all better now). So tell me why Noah now has said cold and is supposedly dying??? I looked at him and told him that I have had said cold for two weeks and I have still managed my daily tasks. He wanted to call out from work yesterday because he had a stuff nose. Deal with it. I have had that stuffy nose for two weeks and you don't see me complaining. I have taken my daily dose of vitamin C, Dayquil and NyQuil. I keep a box of tissues handy at all times. Noah well he bought the whole drug store tonight, came home and asked me what he should take. I just looked at him and walked away.
Why is it then when men get sick it is the end of the world??? I am bound and determined to find the anwer to this question.
On a lighter note I got to play with my camara the past two nights and got some good pics of Abigail. I also did a Valentine's Day card to send out.

Why is it then when men get sick it is the end of the world??? I am bound and determined to find the anwer to this question.
On a lighter note I got to play with my camara the past two nights and got some good pics of Abigail. I also did a Valentine's Day card to send out.

Friday, January 23, 2009
Sorry We have been MIA but we are back now
Last Tuesday we left for Delaware. Our flights were fairly ok with a few expections. Our flight leaving Lubbock they forgot to do a safety check so we had to go back to the gate and have that done. Our Houston to Philly flight was the scariest. We had turbulence's the whole way there. The kind where you feel like you are falling out of the sky. Yeah I didn't like it to much. Abigail slept through the whole flight. We finally made it to Philly and the cold weather. When we left Lubbock it was 65 when we landed in Philly it was 25. Yeah I don't miss the cold weather one bit.
Wednesday Abigail and I spent most of our time at the daycare. I missed my kids soooo much. I am going back in June to watch them graduate preschool. Friday Noah flew in and it was -11 outside. Oh yeah I came down with a cold too. It finally hit me on Friday. That night we went and picked the kids up. They were so excited to see their dad and their baby sister. When we got back to the house Ang was all about Abigail. It took Joe a little while to warm up to her.
Saturday I had my Meet Abigail Party and Noah, Dad and the kids went to the NJ Aquamarine. My bestfriend Jen came over with her daughter. All together it was a great day. When the guys got back with the kids we decided to have crabs for dinner. Jen called her hubby and he came over with their two sons. Wow they have really grown. The kids hung out and watched movies while the adults eat crabs and drank wine. What a good time.
Sunday Noah and I took the kids to Chucky Cheese. Yeah that was a blast. I stayed at the table with the baby and just watched all the weird people. Some of them were really special if I might say. The kids had a great time. Sunday night we had Ang's birthday and opened gifts.
Monday the kids left early morning and Noah got ready for his flight. Oh yeah it was snowing. He gets to the airport to find out that he has a 4 hour delay. He was suppose to leave at 12:00 but finally took off at 4:30. My flight was suppose to leave at 5:25 but it got delayed till 6:30. I had a connecting flight in Houston that I was going to miss if this happened. I called the airline told them the problem and they changed my flight to Tuesday morning 5:25am. I didn't mind one bit because it would keep the baby on her schedule. We finally made it home Tuesday afternoon. Now the baby is sick and I am finally getting over my cold. I think I need another vacation from my vacation.
Wednesday Abigail and I spent most of our time at the daycare. I missed my kids soooo much. I am going back in June to watch them graduate preschool. Friday Noah flew in and it was -11 outside. Oh yeah I came down with a cold too. It finally hit me on Friday. That night we went and picked the kids up. They were so excited to see their dad and their baby sister. When we got back to the house Ang was all about Abigail. It took Joe a little while to warm up to her.
Saturday I had my Meet Abigail Party and Noah, Dad and the kids went to the NJ Aquamarine. My bestfriend Jen came over with her daughter. All together it was a great day. When the guys got back with the kids we decided to have crabs for dinner. Jen called her hubby and he came over with their two sons. Wow they have really grown. The kids hung out and watched movies while the adults eat crabs and drank wine. What a good time.
Sunday Noah and I took the kids to Chucky Cheese. Yeah that was a blast. I stayed at the table with the baby and just watched all the weird people. Some of them were really special if I might say. The kids had a great time. Sunday night we had Ang's birthday and opened gifts.
Monday the kids left early morning and Noah got ready for his flight. Oh yeah it was snowing. He gets to the airport to find out that he has a 4 hour delay. He was suppose to leave at 12:00 but finally took off at 4:30. My flight was suppose to leave at 5:25 but it got delayed till 6:30. I had a connecting flight in Houston that I was going to miss if this happened. I called the airline told them the problem and they changed my flight to Tuesday morning 5:25am. I didn't mind one bit because it would keep the baby on her schedule. We finally made it home Tuesday afternoon. Now the baby is sick and I am finally getting over my cold. I think I need another vacation from my vacation.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Our week
Here are some pics of us hanging out. And yes we were watching Breakfast Club on TV. Noah went to give her a bath and she was fine then all of a sudden she flipped out on him. In the others my daughter as picked up my bad habit of having a ni-night. We just found this out the other night. It doesn't matter what blanket it is but she has to be holding a blanket to fall asleep. Noah wanted to see what would happen if he took it away and well as you can see she yet again flipped out. I also threw in a pic of me.

Abigail and I are leaving on Tuesday for Delaware. We have been packed for 2 weeks now. Hmmm can you tell that I am excited about going? Noah is coming out on Friday. It is a mini, seeing the kids, and birthday vacation. Today is my Dad's birthday, the 16th is my Mom's birthday and the 19th is Noah's oldest daughters birthday. Abigail is going to be meeting her older brother and sister for the first time. She is also going to be meeting all of my Delaware crew and my wonderful day-care babies that I can't wait to see again. I have missed them so much. Last time they saw me I was 6 months pregnant. The teachers now that I am coming to visit but they are keeping it a surprise to the kids. Well that is all for tonight. I am going to spend some time with Noah since Abigail actually went to bed at a decent time tonight.

Abigail and I are leaving on Tuesday for Delaware. We have been packed for 2 weeks now. Hmmm can you tell that I am excited about going? Noah is coming out on Friday. It is a mini, seeing the kids, and birthday vacation. Today is my Dad's birthday, the 16th is my Mom's birthday and the 19th is Noah's oldest daughters birthday. Abigail is going to be meeting her older brother and sister for the first time. She is also going to be meeting all of my Delaware crew and my wonderful day-care babies that I can't wait to see again. I have missed them so much. Last time they saw me I was 6 months pregnant. The teachers now that I am coming to visit but they are keeping it a surprise to the kids. Well that is all for tonight. I am going to spend some time with Noah since Abigail actually went to bed at a decent time tonight.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Who said she could grow up?
Abigail is almost three months old now. THREE months can you believe it. I still remember three months ago when she was so tiny and fit perfectly into Noah's arms.
Yeah fat chance of that happening now. She stretches from the tips of his fingers to his shoulder.
When did she get that big. I am with her every day and I don't remember her getting this big. I don't think this should be allowed either. Well O.K. maybe it should be allowed.
The little booger also thinks she is a big girl. She will stick her tongue out at you, hold her own bottle, tries to crawl, grabs her toys and today I caught her sleeping in my spot. How dare she do these things all at once. I know I am going to enjoy her doing more and more each day but I just want her to stay little as long as possible.

The little booger also thinks she is a big girl. She will stick her tongue out at you, hold her own bottle, tries to crawl, grabs her toys and today I caught her sleeping in my spot. How dare she do these things all at once. I know I am going to enjoy her doing more and more each day but I just want her to stay little as long as possible.

Friday, January 2, 2009
What a year 2008 has been
2008 was a very exciting year for us. In January Noah and I decided to move from Delaware to New Mexico. I also found out I was pregnant. WoW that was a total shocker to everyone. February came and went with very little problems. It was decided at the end of March beginning of April that Noah would go ahead and move to New Mexico first and I would follow in June. So the time came for him to move. We packed him up and off he went on his 2 day cross country drive. Yeah it really took him 4 days. I also had my first ultrasound in April and got to see my baby for the first time. I was told that the "baby" was a boy and Noah was so excited (hahahaha found out 3 weeks later that I was actually having a little girl).
In May I received court papers that I was being sued by my old room mates for moving out. Well that just put a damper on me moving to be with Noah in June. So instead I went out to visit him. I had my court date and it ended up being continued till July (Yeah now I have to wait another month to move). The rest of June was fun. I got to hang out with my friends and watch my belly grow. July was just as much fun as June. I had my 2nd court date and that one also ended up being continued until August (GRRRR!!! I have to wait yet another month to move with Noah). I had quit my job at the day care and decided to go to Georgia to spend some time with Emily and Kayla before my August court date.
Georgia was fun. Emily and Jeff bought a new house and I helped her moved in and get things settled before Jeff got back from school. I also enjoyed my time with Kayla. She is my little monkey and I love her so much. She would wake me every morning by kissing my belly and saying good morning to Abigail.
Yes!!! it is finally August and I go to court (hoping this is the last time). We go in and do our thing. I end up winning the court case and my old room mates are out $9,000.00. It felt so good to beat them (they actually kicked Noah and I out of the house). The next day I was on a one way plane to New Mexico.
I finally made it. It felt so great to finally be with Noah. I got things settled and organized in our apartment (It is a 70's bachelor pad to the extreme). I meet my new OB who I thought was great. September came and went I could not wait for October 8th to get here so I could meet Abigail. Well she had a totally different plan in mind. Little did we know she wanted to stay in her warm comfy home.
October 8th came and went. I had a doctors appointment on October 17th. She told me that if I didn't have the baby over the weekend that I would be induced on October 20th at 7:00am. Well she did some things to help Abigail get going. That night Noah and I went walking to help things move along also. Well the next day little (or should I say big) Abigail Jane Parrish made her appearance at 5:40pm. We had our ups and downs over the next week. She was in NICU for fluid in her lungs. That had to be the longest week of my life. The last week of October was great because I got to bring my wonderful baby home.
November was a blast!!!!! My parents came out for Thanksgiving and my birthday. I was so excited to see them and I didn't want them to leave. Abigail and Noah also enjoyed them being here but I loved it the most.
December brought doctors appointments. Abigail had her cardio appointment (which turned out to be great news, NO MURMUR!!). She had her 2 month check up (first time she cried real alligator tears and broke my heart) and she also had her ortho appointment (Not to bad, but she still ended up in a harness. Better now then later). December also gave us Christmas. Abigail's first Christmas was great. She got a lot of toys. I also learned that I get to go home for a week in January. I will end it there but here are some pictures of us on Christmas. Hope everyone has a wonderful 2009.

In May I received court papers that I was being sued by my old room mates for moving out. Well that just put a damper on me moving to be with Noah in June. So instead I went out to visit him. I had my court date and it ended up being continued till July (Yeah now I have to wait another month to move). The rest of June was fun. I got to hang out with my friends and watch my belly grow. July was just as much fun as June. I had my 2nd court date and that one also ended up being continued until August (GRRRR!!! I have to wait yet another month to move with Noah). I had quit my job at the day care and decided to go to Georgia to spend some time with Emily and Kayla before my August court date.
Georgia was fun. Emily and Jeff bought a new house and I helped her moved in and get things settled before Jeff got back from school. I also enjoyed my time with Kayla. She is my little monkey and I love her so much. She would wake me every morning by kissing my belly and saying good morning to Abigail.
Yes!!! it is finally August and I go to court (hoping this is the last time). We go in and do our thing. I end up winning the court case and my old room mates are out $9,000.00. It felt so good to beat them (they actually kicked Noah and I out of the house). The next day I was on a one way plane to New Mexico.
I finally made it. It felt so great to finally be with Noah. I got things settled and organized in our apartment (It is a 70's bachelor pad to the extreme). I meet my new OB who I thought was great. September came and went I could not wait for October 8th to get here so I could meet Abigail. Well she had a totally different plan in mind. Little did we know she wanted to stay in her warm comfy home.
October 8th came and went. I had a doctors appointment on October 17th. She told me that if I didn't have the baby over the weekend that I would be induced on October 20th at 7:00am. Well she did some things to help Abigail get going. That night Noah and I went walking to help things move along also. Well the next day little (or should I say big) Abigail Jane Parrish made her appearance at 5:40pm. We had our ups and downs over the next week. She was in NICU for fluid in her lungs. That had to be the longest week of my life. The last week of October was great because I got to bring my wonderful baby home.
November was a blast!!!!! My parents came out for Thanksgiving and my birthday. I was so excited to see them and I didn't want them to leave. Abigail and Noah also enjoyed them being here but I loved it the most.
December brought doctors appointments. Abigail had her cardio appointment (which turned out to be great news, NO MURMUR!!). She had her 2 month check up (first time she cried real alligator tears and broke my heart) and she also had her ortho appointment (Not to bad, but she still ended up in a harness. Better now then later). December also gave us Christmas. Abigail's first Christmas was great. She got a lot of toys. I also learned that I get to go home for a week in January. I will end it there but here are some pictures of us on Christmas. Hope everyone has a wonderful 2009.

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