Monday, April 6, 2009

There's a sick baby in my house

Sorry I have been MIA. We have been dealing with a sick baby. A very sick baby that I didn't even know was sick. When Abigail was born she was born with what we were told was an extra birth mark on the center of her back. Noah and I didn't think anything anything of it. If people asked we just told them it was an extra birth mark. Last Sunday I was playing with Abigail and noticed that the "birth mark" was peeling and draining. Well her doctor does not have a on-call system so I waited till Monday morning and called. I spoke with her doctor and she said to watch it and if it gets red and puffy to bring her in. So that's what we did. We watched it. Thursday morning when I went to get Abigail out of bed I noticed a silver dollar sized wet spot on the back of her onesie. After peeling her onesie off of her I told Noah I was taking her to the Doctor. We get there and got right in. Her doctor looked at it and said she wanted to run some test on it and also wanted to do a spinal tap. So she takes some cultures of the "birth mark" and then sends us for lab work. The lab results come back right away and the doctor calls me and says that Abigail has a viral staph infection and that I am lucky I brought her in when I did. If we would have waited another week or so Abigail would be back in the NICU. She decides to wait on the spinal tap till we get the culture results back. I am totally fine with this. She gives me a prescription for some antibiotics for Abigail.
Fast forward to today. I finally get the call from Abigail's doctor. The staph infection is not in the "birth mark" on her back. We still have no idea how or where she got the staph infection from. We still don't know what the spot on her back is. What we do know is that we caught the staph infection in time. I am meeting with Abigail's doctor on the 21st. I will be asking for a referral to a dermatologist to see if they have any better understanding on what this mark on the center of my baby's back is.
Other then that Abigail is great. To look at her you can't even tell she is sick. Her doctor told me while we are the appointment last week that to think 5 months ago she didn't even think Abigail was going to make it through the night. Now look at her. Almost 6 months old and 18.5lbs. She is such the little fighter. I am thinking of changing her nickname from tunker to warrior. But tunker fits her better. I will post pictures next time. My computer has decided to die at the moment and I am waiting for it to be fixed.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

And it's that time of year again my friends

MARCH MADNESS has arrived. Yes this is my favorite time of year. I love it more then my birthday, Thanksgiving and Christmas. I love me some college basketball. Noah has lost the TV till it is over. You will only find basketball on our TV till the final game. This year is ruff for me. I can usually be found in a bar (Just Mugs) somewhere in Delaware (New Castle) just about every night watching all the games. No I don't go for the beer specials (even though they are really good this time of year). I go for the games. All the games in one room on at once. I love it. Since we only have 3 bars here in Clovis (One is a hip hop bar, the other two are ummmm well how do I say it, Not the type you would go watch basketball at) I am staying home. I will miss my bar friends this year. I will miss the Duke cheering section at Just Mugs. DUKE ROCKS by the way. I WILL STILL BE WEARING MY BABY BLUE EVERYDAY THOUGH.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Well yesterday was a BIG day for us. Abigail had her Orthopedic appointment. And the verdict is....... NO MORE BRACE.... NO MORE FROG LEGS..... We are so excited about this. Now I no longer have to fight with her at night to get her to put it on. But there is a very small down side to yesterday's appointment. The doctor we saw yesterday was the head of Pediatric Orthopedics. He told me that Abigail's right hip bone is a little shorter then her left. He went on to explain that this is very common in babies that are in the braces at young ages and go through growth spurts with the brace on. Now that she is out of the brace and hitting another growth spurt the bone should catch up in no time. We go back in 8 weeks for a final check up.

Now if I could just get her to keep her tongue in her mouth and to stop throwing temper tantrums all things would be great. No really this child has her tongue hanging out and blowing spit bubbles at all times. And she has found out that if she is not getting her way the best way to get her way is to throw a temper tantrum. I would post her Easter pictures but I need to upload them. I will get to that this weekend. So I will just leave these ones here.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Weekly dose of cuteness

Here are some pics that were taken this past week of the Abigail. All is well here with us. Little miss thing is sitting up (well not for long but still sitting up), crawling (army low crawling on her tummy and inch worming on her back) and going from tummy to back and back to tummy with no problems. She is getting so big. I guess I should be putting the gates up soon.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Look what Noah caught

Yes sir you are looking at a field mouse. This is the mouse that scared me out of my kitchen this morning. This mouse has made my day a living hell. I would not go into my kitchen at all. Abigail needed bottles so I made Noah go and get them. If I needed a drink, I made Noah go and get it. Yes I am scared of a stupid little mouse. It is just the thought of them that gives me the willie illies. Now I will rest so much better tonight knowing that my little friend is gone and I can go into my kitchen by myself again.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

I miss my little baby

So Abigail showed us today that she can almost sit up all by herself. What happened to my little baby girl? I am really missing her. I am loving that she is getting so big but I am really missing the itty bitty Abigail.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

TVs and Bananas

So dear sweet Noah got his Valentine's Day, Father's Day and Birthday gift yesterday. It was supposed to be here on Friday but they called and said they could not deliver it till Monday. He was mister grumpy butt all weekend long because his "gift" would not be here till Monday. That is all I heard about all weekend long. Well it got here yesterday at exactly 2:00pm. How do I know the exact time you ask? Well Noah called cell phone, texted, emailed and called the office to let me know that his "gift" was here. And this is what his "gift" looks like in my living room.
Yes. I know it is large. It is a 65" HD DLP TV. He has been talking about this TV since Christmas. When we got our tax money back I told him to go ahead and get it. Doesn't it look very pretty sitting there. I am not allowed to touch it though. I am only allowed to touch the remote. I want to know what he is going to do when Abigail becomes mobile? Any suggestions?

As for the bananas. Well I have been trying new foods with Abigail and bananas are a big hit. She eat the whole thing. And when they were gone she gave me a look like well aren't you going to go and get more? So far applesauce, bananas, and sweet potatoes are a hit. We tried squash and well she broke out in hives. I am not sure if it is from the medicine she was on or the squash it self. We will try it again in a month or so.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Yeah I made it though the week!

So I officially made it through my first week back to work and Abigail's first week of daycare. I didn't think that I would do good on Tuesday when she started but I only called once. According to Ms. H she loved it there. Had a blast. She even told me that she should be paying me for her to watch Abigail. Ms. H said that Abigail is such a laid back baby and just goes with the flow. Yuppers that sounds about right (except for when it is time to sleep). The little booger even took a LONG nap for Ms. H.
As for work well it went really good. Except for the fact that I have to fix all the problems that the last girl made. She really messed up on some cases. She didn't do a darn thing since October. I am having to rush around and get things ready for trials that should have been done months ago. But oh well I don't mind it at all.
Noah is upset that his TV didn't make it to the house yet. It is set for delivery on Monday. How did I ever let him talk me into getting a 65" TV? We are having to rearrange the living room so it has a proper place to go. I don't mind the rearranging but I know that I will be doing most of the work. Not so fun. But to tell you the truth I really can't wait for March Madness with the new TV. I will truly be in my glory.

Monday, February 16, 2009

What a weekend....

Wow what a wonderful weekend I had. Not only was it Valentine's Day but I went to Lubbock and to Roswell. Saturday I finally found the mall in Lubbock. If felt so much like home going to a real mall. I miss that about Delaware and sometimes the traffic too. Saturday night Noah, Abigail and I went out to dinner. When we got home I found a dozen red roses and a card waiting for me. My Valentine's gift from Noah is a trip to Vegas in June. I am surprised he could keep it a secret since he has been dying to go there since he moved back home. Noah got a 65" DLP HD Flat screen TV, a PSP and a new game for the Xbox360. Hmmm do you think he is spoiled at all??? Nope not at all he deserves every bit of it.
Sunday we went to Roswell so he could drive his mom's truck back. While we were there we went to Target. God how I have missed Target so much. I have not stepped foot in a Target since July. 6 whole months. I really didn't buy that much. Mostly stuff for Noah and the baby. On our way out of Target we saw a couple selling turtles on the side of the road. So of course Noah stopped and bought me a baby red ear slider turtle. We named him Timmy the Turtle.
And today I went and picked up Abigail's new exosaucer. She loves it. As soon as I put her in it she started squealing and laughing.
Tomorrow I go back to work and Abigail starts daycare. I am not sure if I am ready for this but I really miss working. Abigail is going to be going to a home daycare. I really like Heidi. She is so sweet. We have been going over there to get Abigail used too staying there. I think she really likes Heidi too. As soon as we walk in the door she gets a smile on her face. I am sure I am going to be calling Heidi about 100 times tomorrow to make sure everything is ok. I know she will be fine but it is her first day being away from me for more then an hour. I will post tomorrow on how well we both did.


Friday, February 13, 2009

101 Things......

I Love.....

1. Being me
2. Noah
3. Knowing that I found my soul mate
4. Waking up next to him each morning
5. Falling asleep in his arms every night
6. Abigail
7. The way she looks at me
8. Her big blue eyes
9. Her smile
10. The way she holds conversations with me
11. The fact that I am the only one who can put her to sleep at night
12. My parents
13. That my mom is my best friend
14. The way my father can cheer me up
15. My sister
16. The friendship my sister and I have
17. My niece
18. That my niece will always be my Monkey and I will always be her Allie
19. Turtles
20. The sound of children's laughter
21. Lilies
22. The color blue
23. Delaware
24. The fact that Michigan will always be home to me.
25. My friends in Delaware.
26. All the good and bad times we had.
27. My car rides with Alicia and Jen
28. My serious talks with Julie
29. Taking pictures of my daughter
30. Reading
31. Music
32. Rekindling old friendships and learning from the mistakes I made
33. The Beach
34. The Mountains
35. Long car rides.
36. Getting lost with Jen and Alicia
37. The Eagle Diner
38. Just Mugs Bar
39. Country line dancing
40. My "family" at Just Mugs
41. Knowing that my daughter was conceived out of LOVE
42. Knowing that my parents have never judged me for what I have done in life
43. The Chorus Line
44. My computer
45. Little Shop of Treasures
46. Shopaholic Book Series
47. One Tree Hill
48. CSI: The original
49. Dave Matthews Band
50. I'm Not Ready To Make Nice by Dixie Chicks
51. The way Noah told me he loved me for the first time
52. The Notebook
53. The way Noah kisses me
54. Ice Cream
55. A bald head on a guy
56. Hot dogs and Mac-n-cheese
57. That I am learning how to cook
58. Ticks by Brad Paisley
59. How my sister and I rekindled our relationship
60. Going for long walks
61. Reading the newspaper
62. Long hot showers
63. Telling Noah I love him
64. They way Abigail looks at me and gives me the biggest smile
65. Dane Cook
66. Stephen Lynch
67. WaWa
68. Coffee
69. Malibu Rum
70. Rita's
71. Real Italian Subs
72. Sleeping in on Sundays
73. When Noah makes me breakfast in bed
74. Watching Abigail sleep
75. Our Rock band party nights
76. My mom's cat Teddy bear
77. Rondo my ferrite
78. The smell of a summer rainstorm
79. Kissing in the rain
80. The first snowfall
81. Playing in the rain
82. The way Noah looks at me
83. The way I look at Noah
84. The way Noah can make me laugh
85. Helping other people
86. My job
87. Star gazing at night
88. My long thoughtless talks with Noah at 4:00am
90. Myspace
91. Gossip Girl
92. When Noah wakes me up with a kiss on the forehead
93. Kissing my daughter every day
94. Baking
95. Realizing how lucky I am
96. Realizing there is no other place I would rather be
97. Realizing how wonderful my life is
98. Thinking about all the wonderful things in my life
99. All the things I have accomplished in my life
100. That I have the most amazing boyfriend and daughter
101. MY LIFE!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Never Wash Ni-Night At Bed Time

I learned this valuable lesson tonight. Abigail's favorite blanket (ni-night) was dirty. It had spit up, Amoxicillin, and just about anything else you can think of on it. So since I was already doing a load of laundry I threw it in the wash. Well it didn't occur to me that it was near her bed time when I did this. I tried to give her other blankets but they just wouldn't do. So after an hour and a half of screaming she finally got her ni-night back. She saw me walk in the door with it and just light up. Stopped screaming and is now falling asleep as we speak. It is amazing what a simple blanket can do.

Friday, February 6, 2009

I am a mean mommy

So I decided that Abigail needed a tutu. Well after looking online I found that I didn't want to spend that much money for one. So I looked up how to make them and it was really easy. The first one about swallowed the poor little piglet whole. The second one came out much better. She screamed bloody murder when I first put them on her. But after a few minutes I think she actually liked them. So here are the effects of my tutu making.


And this one is just for cuteness!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Stupid ER

So Monday I took Abigail to the ER with a temp of 102.1. We get checked in and all. While in triage I tell the nurse that Noah has RSV and has been sick for 3 weeks. Abigail has been coughing for a week and has been running a fever for the last two days. She tells me that a doctor will see us as soon as possible. That was at 5:00pm. Well at 8:00pm we were still waiting. There really were not that many patients in the waiting room so I am not sure why we were waiting so long. I go up to the nurses desk and ask if they know how much longer. She tells me that they only have one doctor working and that our wait could be up to six hours.

I told them to take our name off the list. I will take Abigail to the doctor in the morning. We left. So Tuesday morning I call Dr. Winters office they make a appointment for today. They tell me to just watch her and if it spikes again to call and her doctor will meet me at the ER.

Today we go to the doctor and poor little piglet has a double ear infection and the start of bronchitis. I am so pissed at the ER. Dr. Winters told me that she should have been seen right away because a) she had a fever b) Noah has RSV and c) Abigail spent her first week in NICU for breathing problems. Also if little piglet was seen Monday night she would have gotten the double ear infection. Her one ear was really bad but the other her doctor told me was the start of an ear infection.

She told me that she would file a complaint against the ER for me. Also if she spikes a fever or her cough gets worse I am to page her and she will personally meet us at the ER. I LOVE DOCTOR WINTERS!!!!!

Also at the same ER on Saturday Noah was having seizures from the meds that they gave him for his RSV. They treated him as if he was a drug addict looking for more drugs. They kept asking him what else he took and we kept telling them only the medicine they gave him. They told us that he had to of used something illegal for him to have the seizures. We ended up walking out and going to Noah's doctor. He had a damn drug interaction. His doctor told us that he should not have been given the original meds (The ER is where he went and was told he had RSV. The doctor there is the one that gave him the damn medicine).


Friday, January 30, 2009

I hate the DMV and other things.

I was all excited this morning because I was going to get insurance on my car. I go and they tell me that I have to have a New Mexico drivers licences. OK no big deal so I will finally go and get my NM DL. Well I get to the DMV and I read over the list of things I need to get a NM DL. So I see that I have to have a utility bill, Social Security Card, and I can use my Insurance card. So I go home and get the letter stating that I have insurance and it has my address on it. I go back to the DMV wait till they call my number and go up to the lady. She looks at my items and tell me that I can not use my utility bill because it is older then 30 days. I tell her I will go home and print one out since we now do on-line billing and don't receive and paper bill anymore. She tells me that they can't accept that. I hand her my insurance card. She tells me that they don't accept them either. I tell her that it is on the list of things they accept. She tells me again that they don't accept them any longer. I tell her that it is on the list so they have to accept it and need to update their list of items they accept. HaHaHa she has to take it. So I ask her what else I can use. She goes though a list of items, a pay stub, car insurance bill (mind you I am trying to get car insurance but I can't because I do not have a NM DL), or I could have Noah come in and do a affidavit saying that I live in the state of NM. I tell her in a nice voice that he can not come in because he is at work and works out in the field. She tells me to call him. I explain to her again that I have no way of getting a hold of him and that he does not get off work till 5:00pm. They close at 4:00. She looks at me and tells me to go join a church for 30 days and then have the preacher of said church write a letter saying that I am a citizen of the state of NM.
WHAT??????? How dare she tell me to go join a church. I was so mad at this point that I walked out. Noah's dad was outside waiting for me. He tells me to get in the truck and he will take care of this. So we go and get a rental agreement fill it out get it notarized and head back to the DMV. I walk in waving the rental agreement. She says we will take that. Finally after 4 hours I get my NM DL.
We head back to the insurance office I get insurance for Noah and I then I go to register my car. They tell me that the title is not singed and they can not take it. I look at Abby (Noah's dad) and almost cry at this point. So we go and get the title singed and then back to the registration place. Finally it is now 4:30 in the afternoon. I started my day at 10:30 do you really think it should have taken me 6 hours to get insurance, a drivers license and to register a car??? Hmm I don't think so.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Someone Please Tell Me Why????

On my wonderful vacation back to Delaware I caught a cold. I have had said cold for two weeks now. Abigail caught my cold last week (she is all better now). So tell me why Noah now has said cold and is supposedly dying??? I looked at him and told him that I have had said cold for two weeks and I have still managed my daily tasks. He wanted to call out from work yesterday because he had a stuff nose. Deal with it. I have had that stuffy nose for two weeks and you don't see me complaining. I have taken my daily dose of vitamin C, Dayquil and NyQuil. I keep a box of tissues handy at all times. Noah well he bought the whole drug store tonight, came home and asked me what he should take. I just looked at him and walked away.
Why is it then when men get sick it is the end of the world??? I am bound and determined to find the anwer to this question.
On a lighter note I got to play with my camara the past two nights and got some good pics of Abigail. I also did a Valentine's Day card to send out.


Friday, January 23, 2009

Sorry We have been MIA but we are back now

Last Tuesday we left for Delaware. Our flights were fairly ok with a few expections. Our flight leaving Lubbock they forgot to do a safety check so we had to go back to the gate and have that done. Our Houston to Philly flight was the scariest. We had turbulence's the whole way there. The kind where you feel like you are falling out of the sky. Yeah I didn't like it to much. Abigail slept through the whole flight. We finally made it to Philly and the cold weather. When we left Lubbock it was 65 when we landed in Philly it was 25. Yeah I don't miss the cold weather one bit.
Wednesday Abigail and I spent most of our time at the daycare. I missed my kids soooo much. I am going back in June to watch them graduate preschool. Friday Noah flew in and it was -11 outside. Oh yeah I came down with a cold too. It finally hit me on Friday. That night we went and picked the kids up. They were so excited to see their dad and their baby sister. When we got back to the house Ang was all about Abigail. It took Joe a little while to warm up to her.
Saturday I had my Meet Abigail Party and Noah, Dad and the kids went to the NJ Aquamarine. My bestfriend Jen came over with her daughter. All together it was a great day. When the guys got back with the kids we decided to have crabs for dinner. Jen called her hubby and he came over with their two sons. Wow they have really grown. The kids hung out and watched movies while the adults eat crabs and drank wine. What a good time.
Sunday Noah and I took the kids to Chucky Cheese. Yeah that was a blast. I stayed at the table with the baby and just watched all the weird people. Some of them were really special if I might say. The kids had a great time. Sunday night we had Ang's birthday and opened gifts.
Monday the kids left early morning and Noah got ready for his flight. Oh yeah it was snowing. He gets to the airport to find out that he has a 4 hour delay. He was suppose to leave at 12:00 but finally took off at 4:30. My flight was suppose to leave at 5:25 but it got delayed till 6:30. I had a connecting flight in Houston that I was going to miss if this happened. I called the airline told them the problem and they changed my flight to Tuesday morning 5:25am. I didn't mind one bit because it would keep the baby on her schedule. We finally made it home Tuesday afternoon. Now the baby is sick and I am finally getting over my cold. I think I need another vacation from my vacation.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Our week

Here are some pics of us hanging out. And yes we were watching Breakfast Club on TV. Noah went to give her a bath and she was fine then all of a sudden she flipped out on him. In the others my daughter as picked up my bad habit of having a ni-night. We just found this out the other night. It doesn't matter what blanket it is but she has to be holding a blanket to fall asleep. Noah wanted to see what would happen if he took it away and well as you can see she yet again flipped out. I also threw in a pic of me.
Abigail and I are leaving on Tuesday for Delaware. We have been packed for 2 weeks now. Hmmm can you tell that I am excited about going? Noah is coming out on Friday. It is a mini, seeing the kids, and birthday vacation. Today is my Dad's birthday, the 16th is my Mom's birthday and the 19th is Noah's oldest daughters birthday. Abigail is going to be meeting her older brother and sister for the first time. She is also going to be meeting all of my Delaware crew and my wonderful day-care babies that I can't wait to see again. I have missed them so much. Last time they saw me I was 6 months pregnant. The teachers now that I am coming to visit but they are keeping it a surprise to the kids. Well that is all for tonight. I am going to spend some time with Noah since Abigail actually went to bed at a decent time tonight.